25 April 2010

What Makes A Man?

In our world, masculinity and the definition of a man has been quite skewed and misaligned. Speaking from the perspective of a Black man, many of us tend to equate manhood with how many women we can seduce and sleep with, how many people we can get into a fight with and win, who can talk the biggest talk and walk the biggest walk, but how many young Black men today see themselves as the carriers of a legacy that spans far before them? How many of them can recognize the achievements of great Black male leaders? Who aspires to have the eloquence of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the fortitude of Malcolm X, the intellect of Maulana Karenga, and the self-determination of W.E.B. DuBois? Too many of our young Black men have fallen into the pit of worldliness and the thorns of materialism and greed have scarred their eyes. I am not the most perfect young man, nor do I aspire to be because perfection is dangerous. But I do try to make the most of each day's opportunities and see them as a means of refining myself and using my talents and abilities to also be a leader. Too many of my young brothers have lost the race of their lives by getting detoured trying to follow the wrong path of others. Much of the cultural decay and lack of progression in the Black community is due  to the failure of its leaders, Black men, to stand up and take responsibility. In my own life, I never had very many male role models. So instead of trying to find them in popular culture, I decided that I would be the man I knew I always wanted to be. This week's posts will be centered around helping men become refined, cultured, intelligent, and focused gentlemen in honor of Western Kentucky University's Men of Western Week. Topics will revolve around grooming, style, confidence, and success. I hope that they will all be beneficial to our male readers.


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